
Selamat datang di blog tutorial ini, disini anda akan belajar bagaimana mendapatkan uang dari internet. Nah! sebelum memulai itu semua, anda harus punya account PayPal atau AlertPay dulu, karena nanti sebagian dari bisnis yang akan anda ikuti, pembayaran komisi yang anda dapatkan akan masuk ke rekening PayPal atau ke rekening AlertPay.

- Klik disini untuk langsung mendaftar di AlertPay
- Klik disini untuk langsung mendaftar di PayPal

Atau Baca tutorialnya dulu, Cara daftar di PayPal atau Cara daftar di AlertPay

Selamat Mencoba !!
Zonaclix - A Place to Earn online!

Jumat, 07 November 2008

Performance Bux

PerformanceBux is a international and FREE English based service. Our service consists on allowing advertisers to reach thousands of potential customers by displaying their advertisement in our site and users to earn money by viewing those advertisements. Our users click on the advertiser's ad and view it during the amount of time specified by the advertiser. After viewing the ad, the user gets credited with a pre-determined amount of cash on their PerformanceBux account.

How much money can I make?
We pay you upto $0.01 for each website you visit and $0.005 for each website your referrals visit. As Premium member upto $0.01 for each website you visit and upto $0.01 for each website your referrals visit.

How do I get paid?
If you have at least $2.00 accumulated, you can click on withdraw within Member's Area and it will submit your request. Premium Members will have to reach at least $1.50. Currently, we make payments via AlertPay & PayPal. We will soon be using other methods of payment.

Click the Banner to JOIN NOW!

1 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

Makasih infonya dan sangat menarik untuk coba2 nyari dollar..
Dan sebagai tambahan jika mau cari rupiah, link2 di bawah akan menambah pemasukan ke rekening.. Coba di cek dulu..

mudah2an bermanfaat dan
salam sukses selalu